Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I'm finished with Scene 8!

Well this weekend I finally finished scene 8 which has the most animation in it. Yesterday I finished with scene 5 which is just a camera move. But here's scene 8 all cleaned up. I haven't colored it yet but that's later on in the schedule. So here's scene 8. I'm not quite happy with the tail but I'm moving foreward anyway. I think I'm going to enlarge the cat and mouse or zoom in more so that they aren't so tiny.

I prefer using the pen because I've done some of my animation with a regular tablet when the cintiqs are not available and it's just not very easy. The thing that I like is that I can rotate the cintiq and draw that way with the pen because it's more natural for me to draw that way. I like the pen alot.

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